快速、可靠和安全的網絡,並提供 99.9% 上線保證
SSL 證書
了解更多 +Are there any set up fees with your hosting? 詳情 + 減少 -
There are no set up fees, you are only charged the monthly amount of your hosting plan.
Jump Email System Schematic 詳情 + 減少 -
Password Security Guide 6 IMPORTANT steps to enhance your password security 詳情 + 減少 -
1. Always use a strong password
min 12 characters, upper & lower case + numbers + special characters:
As a general rule the following character sets should all be included in every password:
- uppercase letters such as A, B, C;
- lowercase letters such as a, b,c;
- numerals such as 1, 2, 3;
- special characters such as $, ?, &; and
- alt characters such as µ, £, Æ. (Cliff)
Ideally use words combination such as JwuembPservice195.(Please don't use this one)
2. Your passwords should be changed on a regular basis (min every 6 months).
3. Users must exercise extreme caution when writing down or storing passwords.
4. Never “reply” to a third party with an email that contains passwords or account information. Please contact support if you have any questions regarding this.
5. Keep all passwords in a safe place and delete any emails containing password information (after safely saving the information).
6. Never expose your email address on a social network website.
What is a domain name? 詳情 + 減少 -
A domain name is a very important aspect of a web site. If the internet is a map of the world, your domain name is your Internet address. Usually represented by the name of the business or organization starting the site, many sites opt for something clever and memorable to get people interested in their site. This is especially important considering people may have common interest in the same domain name. To help matters, there are different types of domain names. The most common would be ".com" (as in yourdomain.com), but you also have the choice of ".org," or ".net". Unfortunately most short or generic terms are already registered, although there are still plenty of good domains available from the Hong Kong domain registry for .com.hk names.